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Some grants that are currently available to support rural businesses may no longer be available post-BREXIT. As a consequence, rural enterprises are being encouraged to access funding schemes sooner rather than later. 

The RDPE Growth Programme, worth £177 million is a scheme that will fund up to 40% towards project costs typically in the region of £35,000 – £200,000. It is a programme that supports projects which create jobs and growth in the rural economy in England. The deadline is fast approaching and applications must be submitted by January 31, 2018. Funding can be used to help pay for constructing or improving existing buildings, to support the purchase of equipment or machinery or to fund capital expenditure on rural tourism infrastructure. The three key areas that are covered under the RDPE Growth Programme are:

Rural tourism infrastructure
Support for low-profit projects or small & micro businesses and farmers who want to diversify.

Business development
Support for small & micro businesses in rural areas that want to grow or farmers who want to diversify.

Food processing
Support for food and drink businesses that process horticultural and agricultural products.

For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/rdpe-growth-programme.

Other schemes that are designed to encourage growth in the rural economy are the Countryside Productivity Scheme (CPS) which aims to support projects around water resource management and forestry productivity. And the Leader Scheme which will contribute towards project costs associated with rural tourism, small and micro-business growth, farm diversification and increased forestry and farming productivity.

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