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INSPIRE business incubator


The aim of the INSPIRE business incubator is to provide a state of the art environment for business incubation in the Plant and Agri-food sector. Once built it will provide space and facilities as well as access to world class expertise, networks and potential customers.

Working closely with our client NIAB, the UK’s fastest growing crop sciences organisation, we produced an outline proposal to the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough (GCGP) Local Enterprise Partnership for £2.4M of capital funding to construct and equip the INSPIRE business incubator. During this assignment, we worked closely with our client to define the scope of the project and ensure that the funding criteria specified by the LEP were met.

The proposed facility will increase the Eastern regions’ ability to nurture new businesses and to improve the international competitiveness and sustainability of UK plant-based agriculture and horticulture. The new building will provide 700m2 of floor space built to BREEM Good or Excellent Quality Standards.

It is envisaged that over 125 early-venture businesses will be supported within the incubator in the first 10 years and almost 400 jobs will be created and/or safeguarded.

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Posted on

13th September 2017

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