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Delivery Plan for a Start-up Big Data Business


Working with the new Big Data start-up company, Agrimetrics Limited, this short term assignment facilitated the early requirements for draw-down of Public Sector funding for the organisation. Specifically, we assisted in the writing and presentation of the Delivery Plan for the first year of operations.

Set up in October 2015 Agrimetrics was the first of four new Centres for Agricultural Innovation established to support the adoption, development and commercialisation of technology in the agricultural sector. Agrimetrics is the Big Data centre of excellence for the whole agri-food value chain, from farm through to consumer. It operates as an independent, not-for-profit centre, with expertise and capabilities in data science, smart analytics, bioinformatics, translational research and knowledge exchange in crops, livestock and food, and sustainability.

We were approached to help the new CEO prepare the Business Delivery Plan for the first full year of operation, as this was a contractual requirement of the initial capital investment (Grant Funding) from Innovate UK, the UK’s Innovation Agency.

Working with the CEO, we wrote this plan which included work packages to complete the attraction of top talent into the company, build and deploy key technological capabilities, launch the development of revenue generating activities and complete the creation of a strong governance model. The plan also addressed how the company would fully establish its presence in the market and enhance and expand its network of industry, academic and SME contacts.

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Posted on

11th October 2017

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